Maize Portal
- Bayer Loads Maize LH244 Genome Sequence! The genome sequence for the maize inbred, LH244, has now been uploaded to the NCBI database for blasting. Here is the link: LH244 Sequence
The WCIC offers maize transformation and gene editing services for the standard hybrid Hi-II variety as well as a more elite inbred LH244 variety recently released from PVP by Bayer. We are also working to bring online the inbreds B73 and PHR03 (former Corteva line). We’ve recently bulked up the LH244 line in Chile and should be getting this seed back in the spring of 2020. This seed will be available for purchase in small quantities if needed for research or control use.
We’ve licensed some technologies from private companies to allow us flexibility in offering various techniques to perform these services for academic/non-profit as well as private entities. Our standard Hi-II process uses an immature embryo based transformation system following (Armstrong CL, Green CE, Phillips RL.1991. Development and availability of germplasm with high Type II culture formation response. Maize Genetics Cooperative Newsletter 65: 92-93). Our current LH244 process also uses an immature embryo and follows a WCIC modified B104 protocol similar to (Raji, Jennifer A., et al. “Agrobacterium– and Biolistic-Mediated Transformation of Maize B104 Inbred.” Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.), vol. 1676, 2018, pp. 15-40). These systems generally take approximately 9-11 months from start to harvest of T1 seeds.
We also offer complete vector cloning services to quickly design and construct your vector to ensure quality and compatibility with our system.
Pricing for our services can be found on our Pricing and Payments Page:
For more information or for discussing a potential project with us, please contact Alvar Carlson at
Additional Maize pages of interest:
Maize Genetics and Genome Database:
Iowa Corn Promotion Board:
Wisconsin Corn:
National Corn Growers Association:
Maize – Wikipedia:
Governmental Granting Agencies: